A couple news on the horizon:
1) In case you missed it, last month I made a poll on edosounds' facebook page to vote for the next preset pack (choice was between Red Rocks and Extras Vol.2), and with 72% votes, Extras Vol.2 won and will likely be the next pack! Now it's your chance to pick the songs that will make the final release, so visit edosounds on facebook and tell me your preference in the sticky post comments!
2) I updated the backing tracks section. In fact, from now on, I will no longer take custom orders for minus guitar backing tracks, and the existing ones will be uploaded as exclusive content on my YouTube channel and my Facebook page, on a monthly basis. Make sure to subscribe and enjoy a new backing track / month for free!
I also described the pricing and options for the sequences for bands, and updated the sequence list with some new backing tracks from the E+I Tour 2018. Check it out here